Thursday, January 10, 2008

At last, i've updated my blog again. Actually, i've nothing to write here.
My blog is damn bored and plain. Pls tagg me~~

i will never let you go;
4:44 AM

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

opps. i made his mood gone bad ytd. sob. i'm so sorry.
he called me 17 times and i didnt answer the call. i was asleep.
sob. so s0rry my dear.

i will never let you go;
1:34 AM

Saturday, September 15, 2007

wad must i do if he doesnt believe in my love?

i will never let you go;
11:07 PM

Thursday, September 13, 2007

i'm regret of knowing yoo. please leave him alone. dont talk bout him anymore. i hate yoo. yoo said to me that yoo will forget bout him and now yoo still in love with him. yoo really hurts me lots. sob :(

i will never let you go;
7:52 AM

Thursday, September 06, 2007

yay~ at last i have changed my backgrounds and edited my profile.
hahaha. its hard doing it. so complicated. and i'm happy tuhh get him back into my life. i'm so surprised XD

i will never let you go;
9:56 AM

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

wow. i thought ytd is a boring day budden its fun at de ktv. hahas.
we make alot of noise there ND making de place so mess up.
hahas. i hope tuh go again wib yoo all. damn fun. my first tyme tuh ktv. hahas.
we sing from 10pm to next morning 3am. but i reached home ad 5am. so tired lor.

i will never let you go;
11:38 AM

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

i realli nid y00 wib me .
yoo are precious tuh me
wad should i do if sumone treat me as a friend but i love HIM?
hais . sob sob. i hope i will get yoo

hugs ND kisses

i will never let you go;
10:03 AM

. about you .
Nur Farhana Binte Abdul Rahim
18 yrs old
Second November Nineteen-ninety.
ITE College Central

. lurfee .
teddy bears.
taking pichas.
watching movies.
talking on the phone.

. dislikes .
irritating bastards.

. darr-links .
link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link

. credits .
blogger blogskins sweet-innocence*
